Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday Update

Good Friday to you!
As banks are tightening up their security on visa check cards, atms and credit cards. You might be wise today or Monday to call your bank and let them know that you will be travelling to England and using your card. They will make a note of it and that might prevent a hassle with your card in England. - Thanks to Mrs. Ramm for this good idea.
Another note, be sure you noted the need for a towel and a plastic bag in the packing instructions on the blog.
Finally, I will be collecting emergency numbers of families at the airport from students. Be sure parents and student know where families will be during the break and how to get in touch in case of an emergency.
As soon as I nail down which phone works in England, I will post the numbers at which you can reach me. Pray I don't have to rent a phone to save money.

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