Tuesday, April 10, 2007

We're here!!! contact info...

Here's the view from the internet cafe, note the sunshine!!! the weather is fantastic today, eat yur heart out C'ville!!! So, the journey across the pond and up into the Midlands is over, the hardest leg of our trip is DONE!!! The kids are at lunch and I'm communicating!!!!

Please hold calls to emergencies... best way is to leave a message at the...

Hostel in Oxford: Tuesday and Wednesday nights - 011 44 870 770 5970

click here for hostel website

Hotel in London: Thursday through Monday nights - 011 44 870 333 9111

click here for hotel website

My Hungary mobile number should work (it has been working so far!!!) in dire straits:

011 36 30 384 5943

1 comment:

aristotlegoodad said...

Rev, thanks for the early update. You are missing a clear, cold (25F) morning in CVL at 0740. We are warming gradually all week -- it may be spring by the time you all get back. Assume everyone is tired today. Hope those that are feeling a bit under the weather (Ms C, for one) are all feeling in fine fettle and eating their veggies. We will pray for time of great fun and fellowship. Wish you all the best of both! In Christ's loving care, Ellen S's Dad